
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Wednesday- Cardio Day

Wow is all I can say about todays workout. But of course I will just have to say more! Seriously, what just happened? Today, instead of kickboxing at 6:30, I had to go to the earlier. Why, oh why would you miss kickboxing class?! Well because tonight was my second tattoo appointment to finish my rib piece. Ah! So amazing, I love it! So early gym session and a make shift hour cardio session. Have I mentioned how long it's been since I've done cardio on a machine for an hour? It's been forever! Let me tell you about me and cardio. I hate it. It's boring and all I think about when I'm doing cardio is when I'll be lifting next. It's essential so I must do it! So here I am at the gym, no plan really, just playing by ear and how I feel along the way. So here's what I did:

5 Minute warm up
20 Minute workout: Intervals on incline, every 30 seconds running and the next 30 seconds "speed walking" for 20 minutes straight. No rest.
5 Minute speed walking (catching breath), then adding more incline every minute.
10 minute incline walking (to get that booty!) Nice slow burn on the glutes

Same concept as Tuesday's HIIT, only this time it's 4 workouts done 5 times. I'm crazy I know. It was intense! I wanted to die afterwards, no joke.

1. Kettle bell swings (down into squats and back up)- 1 minute
2. Lateral box shuffles- 1 minute

3.Exercise Ball sit-ups- 1 minute
4. Jumping Jacks- 1 minute

*30 second break*
Set 2- repeat
Set 3- repeat
Set 4- repeat
Set 5- repeat- Full out! Give it all you've got!!

And die.

Just kidding, please don't die. Please don't do this workout if you don't feel you are conditioned enough for it. You can also adjust the rest period to be longer if you need to. I burned about 600+ calories with this workout. I have a heart rate monitor (and you should get one too if you're serious about anything involving calories, aka life) and when doing cardio, I always make sure my heart rate is at or above 140 rpm the whole time. As long as I do that, every minute of my cardio time is worth it. With that said, have a great workout! Comment below, tell me how it went :)

Thanks for reading!



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