Okay so in my search for the oh so exciting, cute, sexy, wonderful bikini for my show (yes show, not competition because I will be showing off this body baby!), I have come to the conclusion that buying a bikini when I am perfectly capable of making my own is a complete joke. WTF, $200+ for a swim suit with fake rhinestones on them? Some of them have real ones, but still. No, just no. I went to college for design at The Academy of Art University in San Francisco and have also been sewing consistently since sixth grade. I've made prom dresses, I think I can handle a bikini. I think even with no experience, you could make your own bikini. It's ridiculously easy and I'm trying to wrap my head around where these companies get off charging so much. There must be some secret magic thread they use or something lol. Not bashing them of course. The bikinis are beautiful and great and I completely understand that they have to turn a profit, so go them! I have just decided that I shall make my own.
My boyfriend tells me "red, red, you're a red!" Well I wanted pink! I love pink, give me pink! Hot pink! lol So now red is in the back of my mind so here's the red one. It's not done, still have to figure out the top and how to bedazzle it. I pretty much have it figured out though. I think I'm still going to make a pink one though, just so I have two choices. Why not? It's so easy to make :)
I wish you guys could see it more, I'll take more pics in the day time when there's better lighting. I tried it on and practiced posing in it and it looks awesome! I want to make the back a little smaller though, show off the booty a little more. I'll add a little more scrunch in the butt. Yay! So exciting! I'll try to post a video of me practicing posing and my progress and stuff soon. Until then, thanks for reading!
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