
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Glutes Glutes Glutes!

Hey everyone! So I've been obsessed with competition stuff ALL day today, it's ridiculous The Arnold Classic really inspired me, A LOT. Today was leg day and I could not have been more motivated to work out my glutes after watching those bikini pros. SO excited that I mixed up my leg day a little. In my mind, I for sure thought today was glutes and hamstrings day. Sound weird to you? I don't have a glutes and hamstring day! lol I have quads and inner thigh day VS hamstrings, glutes, and outer thigh day. I was totally set on glutes and hamstrings until after my first super set of stiff leg dead lifts with barbell and one leg stigg legs with dumbbell. Then I was like, "wait, I did this recently" lol. So after that I did my quads and inner thighs as planned. I think I am going to just do glutes on all days. Why not? Yes, so it's decided, glutes on all leg days. I kind of already did that by committing to do lunges on all leg days and deadlifts on all back days so my glutes were getting their attention, don't worry :) .

Alright so I looked into my show a little more and had come to the"problem" I ran into at the beginning. The reason I haven't registered for my show yet is because I couldn't decide whether to sign up for the "Novice" class or "open" class. Seriously, for the past hour I have been googling for answers and sifting through blocs to get an opinion on this. My conclusion is that apparently a lot (or some, I don't know) of girls sign up for both on their first show. The pro of this is that not only can you be judged with all first timers like you, you can see how you place against people who have been doing this or are aged in the event. I need this. I also read about a show that only had 2-4 people in the novice category so they one second place by default. There is no way in hell that I am doing all of this work to be second place by default. Fuck that (excuse my french). I'd rather be judged with 20 girls and place than 5 girls. Am I crazy? I just want to be the best. And to be the best, you have to beat the best. So what's my decision? I'm doing both. I can see how I stand with the newbies and then how I stand with the "veterans" so to speak and work from there for me following show. The only downside to this is that each entry fee is $120 per class. That's okay though, it will be worth it.

My workout today was crippling and tomorrow is going to suck ass. That's all I have to say about that one!

Leg Day: Hamstrings  Quads, Inner thighs, Glutes

Super Set
Stiff leg deadlifts with barbell (lightweight)
60lbs x 15 reps x 4 sets

One leg stiff leg deadlifts with dumbbell
22.5lbs (was the only reasonable one open lol) x 10 reps x 4 sets

I really focused on getting low on every rep making sure to squeeze my butt at the top to engage those muscles. I also did light weight, high reps. I warmed up with the bar for 20 reps to perfect form.
135lbs x 10 reps x 4 sets

Super Set
One leg leg extensions
25lbs x 12 reps (straight reps on one side then switch to other) x 4 sets

Super wide sumo squats with dumbbell between legs
25lbs x 15 reps x 4 sets

Wide stance 45 degree angled leg press
90 lbs x 8 reps x 4 sets

Walking lunges with barbell (total killer! Omg)
I only used 30 pounds. Do a super wide and exaggerated walk for best results, make your back knee touch the ground every time. It really gets deep in your butt. Doing the wide stance also helps your inner thighs. Walk ten steps forward, turn around walk ten steps. Repeat with no break. Then take a break. Repeat. Done! With lunges anyway.

Super Set
Close stance (legs pretty much touching) leg press machine
100lbs x 12 reps x 4 sets

Machine butt kicks
30 lbs x 10 reps per side x 4 sets (this was SO hard to do after leg press. Those quads were on FIRE!)

Abductor machine
40lbs x 25 reps x 4 sets

After this hell I ran a mile on the treadmill. I'm not sure what I was thinking, it's going to hurt tomorrow. I guess that's what I get for watching the Arnold Classic. Such inspiration! In turn, I hope I've inspired you. Thanks for reading!



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